Collection Petits Formats


Nouveauté !

”  Le Cœur des Anges III “

Le Cœur des Anges I – 20 x 20 cm – technique mixte / carton toilé


 Œuvres  30 x 30 cm  &  Œuvres de 20 x 20 cm Formats  encadrées – huile et acryl. sur toile de lin.

Below is a collection of very nice framed paintings (12X 12 inches and 8 x 8 inches) created  with mixed media, oil & acryl. on french linen canvas. All these painting are ready to hang.

On the artwork page listing, please click on “View ” to see more information about each artwork.

For all requests for information and prices, send an e-mail to the Art Studio directly here:

Ship all over the world !


Pour toutes demande d’information, envoyez un e-mail au Studio Rougan directement ici:






Rougan,art abstrait, abstract art, abstrakte kunst,abstrakte französische Kunst, abstract painting, french artist, абстрактное искусство, art on line for sale,cosmic art, abstract art for sale, French art for sale, 抽象芸術, expressive art,unique art for sale, abstraction lyrique,艺术, high end art, large abstract art, abstract art France, univers art, Layla Rougan,Art
Copyright © Rougan’s Art